@charset "UTF-8"; /* * QWSS * author:Jacob * date:2016-09-01 */ /* * @Author: wenyu * @Date: 2016-12-19 11:21:40 * @Email: wangwenyu@qwang.com.cn * @Last Modified by: Marte * @Last Modified time: 2017-06-29 19:55:17 */ /* * @Author: wenyu * @Date: 2016-12-19 16:42:18 * @Email: wangwenyu@qwang.com.cn * @Last Modified by: wenyu * @Last Modified time: 2017-01-05 17:17:01 */ /* 两列定宽布局 */ /* 两列右侧自适应布局 */ /* 两列左侧自适应布局 */ /* 三列右侧自适应布局 */ /* 三列左侧自适应布局 */ /* 三列中间自适应布局 */ /* 等分布局 */ /* Here is the foundation layout,we use the 'g-' named after. * just like g-hd ==> head g-bd ==> body g-ft ==> footer */ /* clearfix */ .g-row:before, .g-row:after, .g-container:before, .g-container:after, .g-box:before, .g-box:after, .m-topbar:before, .m-topbar:after, .m-head:before, .m-head:after, .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after, .m-components:before, .m-components:after { display: table; content: " "; } .g-row:after, .g-container:after, .g-box:after, .m-topbar:after, .m-head:after, .clearfix:after { clear: both; 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width: 100%; } .g-mn5c { margin: 0 190px 0 190px; } .g-bd5:before, .g-bd5:after { display: table; content: " "; } .g-bd5:after { clear: both; } /* 简易栅格布局 */ .g-row { zoom: 1; margin-left: -5px; margin-right: -5px; *margin-left: 0; *margin-right: 0; } .col-row-1 { width: 8.33333%; float: left; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; *padding-left: 0; *padding-right: 0; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; } .col-row-1:before, .col-row-1:after { display: table; content: " "; } .col-row-1:after { clear: both; } .col-row-2 { width: 16.66667%; float: left; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; *padding-left: 0; *padding-right: 0; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; } .col-row-2:before, .col-row-2:after { display: table; content: " "; } .col-row-2:after { clear: both; } .col-row-3 { width: 25%; float: left; min-height: 1px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; *padding-left: 0; *padding-right: 0; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; } .col-row-3:before, .col-row-3:after { display: table; 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